Election day is on February the 4th, 2010 for more details, please visit; http://www.elections.on.ca/en-CA/ProvincialByelection.htm
Raj Rama stands for important issues for the constituents of Toronto-Centre, such as:
1) Economic Development
2) Public Safety and Security
3) Improved health care delivery and services
4) Better education resources for students
5) More grants and other incentives to attend post-secondary schools for students and those needing skills upgrades
There are many other important issues that Raj will speak about at the upcoming debates, as well as here on this official blog, etc. We are about maintaining a low budget campaign of taxpayer's money. We intend to use the media and social media to get the word out.
I was born in Toronto Centre at Women's College Hospital and I lived for many years in the riding, e.g. owning a house on Gloucester St. I have lived my whole life in Toronto but I have traveled extensively on business trips with Ministers of the Government (e.g. Team Canada Trade Missions, Ontario Exports Missions, CMHC trade, etc.) so my perspectives are very global but I believe in our local economy and community, first and foremost. So please vote for a local candidate, please vote for Raj Rama.
I am running to be your Member of the Provincial Parliament for the following reasons:
1) I have the experience, skills, etc. For example, I have worked for the province of Ontario (i.e.Tourism 1988-2005)
2) The current government is not doing a great job and they need someone like me in the house to wake them up.
3) The current economy is in a "jobless recovery" and extremely vulnerable to outside events in the U.S.A., Europe, Japan, Etc.
4) Creating real change for real people, by demanding economic stimulus programs that help the non-rich, lowering tuition, subsidizing all TTC passes, etc.
5) No more single-source contracts, everything over $1,000 has to go to public tender. E.g Samsung deal for 7 Billion dollars announced last week, that was not put to public tender, so Ontario entrepreneurs and public companies could bid.
6) Demanding more Policing to protect pedestrians, children, etc.
7) Working with affordable housing and other credible advocates/ stakeholders and the private sector to further solutions.
There are many other important issues which I look forward to working with Toronto-Centre constituents on. Please vote for me and vote for someone who is going to "kick ass and take name" (in other words be your advocate/ voice, not a puppet) and Queen's Park on Your Behalf.
Contact Raj on facebook at:
Or by email at: